Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sign the Petition for the Venus Project - The Petition Site

Please take a moment to read the petition summary for the Venus Project. You click below for more, to read the entire petition, or click the link following to go directly to the site to sign the petition. Thank you for your time!

Designed by Jacque Fresco

"We the undersigned, Ask that this project is funded and pushed to forefront of everything else, this must happen in order for us to not just save our country but work on making the world a better place for everyone to live in. The Venus Project is a huge example at what kind of world we can live in. This is not about profit or financial Gain it is about people and sustainability. This is what we need to fix our problems in Today"s world. This is all really Possible to accomplish because we all are behind this Project. This is not some Pipe dream it is a Reality and the sooner we realize what kind of world we can live in millions more people will accept this kind of way of living. The Monetary system that we are in is not working, and you can see that. It would be a much logical and practical choice to start something new into a resource based economy. This is what we want and we are willing to help If your going to back and fund this Project. The sooner we get this going the sooner people's lives will be saved and the planet will be taken care of. I'm sure you have Children and you want the best future possible that is benefiting all people.

I hope you take this Project very seriously. Thank you for listening"

The Venus Project presents a bold, new direction for humanity, entailing nothing less than the total redesign of our culture. Unemployment, violent crime, replacement of humans by technology, over-population and a decline in stability of the Earth's ecosystems; These are the problems of today, and as you will see, The Venus Project is dedicated to confronting all of these problems. Through the use of innovative approaches to social awareness, educational incentives, and the consistent application of the best that science and technology can offer directly to the social system, The Venus Project offers a comprehensive plan for social reclamation in which human beings, technology, and nature will be able to coexist in a long-term, sustainable state of dynamic equilibrium.

As one, we can make this project happen. We have the power to decide if this is the future that humanity actually deserves, and in doing so may act with foresight to re-align our current crash-course. There has never been a time in history, a better time than now, for we the united to choose a better way. How long will it take before all understand that Life, capital L, can be better? It doesn't have to be this way.

Ask yourself: Is THIS why am i here? To turn a dollar from the sweat of my brow, so as to afford to keep the sun from my back, the rain from my head? Here I am, here to watch the daytime television, to buy the designer clothes, to consume industry-approved placation after placation? No. There is more, and more still.

The way we are living right now is a mad rush, a stampede; This pollution of mind and body is stagnation, not evolution. Money cannot warm a heart or enrich the mind. All recognize the heedless waste of planned obsolescence and monetary greed. And yet, it need not be so. With even the slightest action, you will be so amazed at just how little is needed to enact a change. You are all very special, every human on this planet is so special, so aren't we all deserving of something better, to live without fear or undue strife? As much as the water we drink, as much as the air we breathe, as much as the sun which shines down, now more than ever, we need each other to survive. Lest the soil go bare, the water impure and the air go foul, we cannot risk anything less. Nothing will change unless we want something better for ourselves. The day your child comes to you, asking "Why can't we live in a real home, why can't we have food to eat?" It will be sooner than you think if we cannot act together.

Listen, and hear. Our future is in our hands, hearts and minds. Let's make it happen. Let's come together and save our world, save each other, and save our future from ourselves.

Special Note: Please pass this petition along to your friends and family, and share the videos from Youtube and Google Video. The more people who see this petition, watch the videos, and go to the home-page, the more people will rise up with one voice to reject our current destiny. With your voice and with your vote, we can make this happen. Thank you for your support, your signatures, and your continuing spirit. Keep spreading the word.

For more info:
Zeitgeist: Orientation

Zeitgeist: Addendum

Zeitgeist: The Movie

Other Info: The Venus Project , Zeitgeist Movement
Updated:I also found this Foundation (Resource based economy foundation) RBEF for short.
What is RBEF?

Very generally speaking, RBEF is a set of tools for the transition from the Monetary System to Resource Based Economy. RBEF provides research on the transition economy model, develops global projects, and a libre resources management platform.

We believe that the current economic setup creates more problems than provides solutions.

Economy, in order to function, relies on artificially upholding scarcity which is maintained by various mechanisms like "planned obsolescence", "priority of profit", or "distortion of values".

Those fundamental causes are:
# The misunderstanding about human behavior that allows manipulation of the people in various aspects.
# The erroneous design of the monetary economy that, a priori, must lead to stratification and a widening gap between economic classes, and unemployment.

Our efforts are directed at removing the causes that lead to societal degradation rather than wasting them on remedying effects.
For the entire petition, click read more.

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